How Does Laser Pain Therapy Work?

by Aug 9, 2022

Pain hurts. If you suffer from chronic pain, then you know that such a statement is no cause for a chuckle. You live with your pain as if it were an evil twin inside your mind and body. Pain affects your emotions as well as your thinking processes. Moreover, many remedies for pain bring about more pain: recovery time, disability, stress, inconvenience, schedule disruption, and financial hardship. Have hope! A growing number of medical teams of all kinds are successfully using laser pain therapy.

Why Your Pain Is Real

Laser pain therapy is miraculous, but its mechanism of action is based on years of scientific evidence. Before looking at how it works, you’ll want to know more about pain. Pain is the number one reason people seek medical care. To put it another way, chronic pain affects one in three Americans.

The pain you feel is actually a complex series of communications going on back and forth inside your body. It involves past tissue damage and the threat of potential danger … electrical signals zipping throughout the nervous system … and the activation of different parts of your brain remembering past experiences while making lightning-fast decisions about the future.

This series of internal communications activates the immune system and endocrine system to prepare for action (“fight or flight”) and to redirect energy for mobilizing help where it is needed most. As you can guess, each person’s pain is very individualized depending on one’s personal history influencing current life situations.

The History of Pain Management

Humans have been trying to manage pain for thousands of years. Ancient cultures all over the world have used a variety of plants such as coca leaves and opium poppies to ease unpleasant sensations. Non-pharmaceutical practices have included the application of heat and cold, bloodletting, and religious rituals.

Sometimes the cause of the pain was an apparent injury or disease, but unknown reasons were often blamed on demons or evil spirits. Unfortunately, such superstitious beliefs continue to this day. While modern science seeks to address the root cause, good pain management also attempts to relieve the symptoms. Here are some common treatment methods that often help:

  • Taking advantage of the sense of touch: heat, cold, pressure, massage, vibration
  • Contralateral stimulation: applying sensory stimulation to the mirror-image area opposite the pain site–the brain frequently responds as if the original pain source were being treated
  • Taking advantage of the other senses: Activating sight, hearing, smell, and taste to provide distraction in addition to overriding incoming pain stimuli
  • Participating in engaging activities: exercising, art, music, dancing, cooking, eating, singing, watching videos, humor in many forms, and enjoying pet visits.
  • The power of the mind: Practicing personalized distraction, relaxation, meditation, and guided imagery
  • Medications: Depends on compatibility with other drugs and supplements in use; most have side effects
  • Surgery: Can be effective but expensive, involves risk, and requires recovery time with additional supportive care

You can understand the ongoing benefit of maintaining good general health for pain prevention and management because your body is able to address healing itself. As a result, you feel ready to handle whatever might happen.

The Power of Laser Light

Since our ancestors learned to create fire, the magic of light has played a significant role in the development of civilization. Doctors and scientists have been experimenting with therapeutic light for almost half a century. Not only can it ease inflammation and swelling but also ease pain and trigger the body to heal itself. Today the use of lasers is FDA-approved and by ISO, the International Organization for Standardization that maintains globally accepted quality standards for measurements, procedures, and products.

How Does Laser Pain Therapy Work?

Cell biology is a cutting-edge field of scientific research right now. Do you remember your school days studying mitochondria–the “powerhouse” organelles inside your cells? The mitochondria generate most of the chemical energy that enables cells to function.

Not all lasers are the same. For example, when a specific type of laser is applied to painful tissues, the light penetrates the cell walls. At the molecular level, it speeds healing by boosting mitochondrial energy production. In addition, it boosts blood circulation, which spreads the benefits more quickly.

Speaking of benefits, here are some advantages of laser pain therapy:

  • Non-invasive–no surgery
  • No drugs
  • Painless
  • Often immediate improvement
  • Short sessions in a comfortable outpatient setting
  • It doesn’t interfere with other pain management methods
  • Speeds healing, so relief is often long-lasting
  • Safe to use over medical implants, including metal

If you’re interested in learning more about the science behind the laser, this article by a medical doctor gives you an informative explanation.

What to Expect at Your Appointment

At your first appointment, you will receive a personal evaluation to understand all that is going on in your body and your life. We strive to find the root cause of your pain and consider all aspects. Then a treatment plan is established depending on the severity of your pain and cause. Depending on whether the pain is acute, chronic, or severe, the treatment plan can range from 2-5 sessions to 10-15 sessions, and for severe cases, the treatment plan is customized by each individual’s needs. With acute pain, most patients can experience some relief almost immediately. However, chronic and severe pain will take a little longer. In all cases, our success rate in relieving pain is remarkable and gratifying. Most patients don’t need follow-up treatments; however, occasionally, some refreshers are easily arranged.

FAQ–Frequently Asked Questions

Does laser pain therapy really work?

While it isn’t appropriate for all medical conditions, it has helped millions of acute, chronic, and uncontrollable pain sufferers. At Carmen Care, we continuously educate ourselves about the newest developments and laser research to purchase top-of-the-line lasers.

How much does it cost?

Fees vary depending on the time of the sessions but are very affordable. Even if you pay out-of-pocket, many patients believe the benefits are more than worth the price. Compared to surgery, the program is undeniably cost-effective.

What are the contraindications with laser therapy?

Pregnancy, Pacemaker, and active cancer.

Are cosmetic procedures possible with laser therapy?

Yes! When your pain is gone and you’re tempted to make more changes, we will gladly assist you with our aesthetic solutions using the icoone and Lipomelt.

Something to Think About

You’ve lived with your pain for a long time. It’s taken over much of your life, interfering with your future plans, relationships, and the core of who you are. Chronic pain is often the source of crippling depression, anxiety, hopelessness, and opioid dependency. Pain is abusive! If you’re in the Boca Raton area, the Carmen Care Health & Wellness Institute is available to help you heal from the inside out. Founded by a mother whose child’s life was changed by laser pain therapy, Carmen Care is committed to helping you “find relief from debilitating pain and despair.” Got questions? Call us at (561) 405-9577, email us at [email protected], or contact us online.


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